Workshop details

This course is suitable for beginners with zero knowledge,
fundamental analysts who seeks to perfect their entry and exit points,
and technical analysts who are struggling to make chart reading works.

Below are some of the things that you will learn in the workshop:

[rt_fancy_text_box_style style_variation=”four” fancy_textbox_title=”Technical Analysis” fancy_textbox_subtitle=”” fancy_textbox_content=”Technical analysis is all about identifying the trend of a stock or a market through price charts. It helps in identifying both the likely direction of a share price as well as the safest entry and exit points. There are over 200 methods spread over 3 categories – technical indicators, candlestick patterns, and chart patterns – and you will learn some of those that work extremely well in Malaysia.” fancy_textbox_icontype=”icon” fancy_textbox_icon_icofont=”icofont icofont-chart-line-alt” fancy_textbox_color=”#1e73be”]
[rt_fancy_text_box_style style_variation=”four” fancy_textbox_title=”Sentiment Analysis” fancy_textbox_subtitle=”” fancy_textbox_content=”This proprietary technique is about identifying the major shift in the mood of the market and finding hidden signal of danger. Not only that it will help you in sharpening your trading edge, it will also protect your capital from catastrophic losses. You will never find this special technique anywhere else in the world, not even in Google.” fancy_textbox_icontype=”icon” fancy_textbox_icon_icofont=”icofont icofont-stock-search” fancy_textbox_color=”#1e73be”]
[rt_fancy_text_box_style style_variation=”four” fancy_textbox_title=”Basic Market Cycle” fancy_textbox_subtitle=”” fancy_textbox_content=”Do you know that some months are more bullish than others? Ever wonder why some of the traders are so good identifying where the hot money is flowing in the market? Basic market cycle answers both of these questions. Knowing where to put your money as well as when and when not to trade will definitely improve your trading performance as you could minimize your losses and maximize your gains.” fancy_textbox_icontype=”icon” fancy_textbox_icon_icofont=”icofont icofont-chart-pie-alt” fancy_textbox_color=”#1e73be”]
[rt_fancy_text_box_style style_variation=”four” fancy_textbox_title=”Risk Management” fancy_textbox_subtitle=”” fancy_textbox_content=”The simple money management techniques taught will allow you to trade safely and at the same time maximising your profit potential. It involves understanding the process of planning for a trade and what should you do when a trade doesn’t work as planned as well as knowing your strengths and weaknesses in the market.” fancy_textbox_icontype=”icon” fancy_textbox_icon_icofont=”icofont icofont-safety-hat” fancy_textbox_color=”#1e73be”]
[rt_fancy_text_box_style style_variation=”four” fancy_textbox_title=”Organized Watchlist” fancy_textbox_subtitle=”” fancy_textbox_content=”You will be taught on how to arrange your watchlist such that it is easy for you to conduct a top-down analysis on the current market. This would improve both the effectiveness and the efficiency of your decision-making process.” fancy_textbox_icontype=”icon” fancy_textbox_icon_icofont=”icofont icofont-list” fancy_textbox_color=”#1e73be”]
[rt_fancy_text_box_style style_variation=”four” fancy_textbox_title=”Low Brokerage Fee” fancy_textbox_subtitle=”” fancy_textbox_content=”If you do not know, you could be paying the most expensive brokerage in town! Saving on the brokerage fee would definitely allow you to make your trading decision more accurately as you do not need to worry about covering your expensive brokerage fee before getting out of your position.” fancy_textbox_icontype=”icon” fancy_textbox_icon_icofont=”icofont icofont-money” fancy_textbox_color=”#1e73be”]

With all the proprietary secrets that I will be sharing,
this workshop is definitely worth more than RM 3,000.
But for the coming class…

You can come at ONLY RM 688.00!
And your spouse can join you at HALF THE PRICE!

Can’t believe how affordable the price is? Click here to understand more
and click here to view previous student’s feedback.

SEATS ARE LIMITED (max 25 pax per class) so
REGISTER NOW by filling in the form below.

Workshop Registration

Coming Workshop Details:
Venue: SVOFO, C-3-1, Sunway Nexis Office Suite
Date: 16th and 17th of July 2022
Time: 9am to 5pm (registration starts at 8:30am)
[rt_cf7_style submit_background_color=”#1e73be” radiant_border_style=”solid” radiant_border_color=”#143277″ radiant_border_bottom=”2px” radiant_focus_style=”solid” radiant_focus_bottom=”2px” cf7_content_css=”.vc_custom_1568637106785{border-radius: 1px !important;}”]


    Feel free to send me an email at should you have any enquiries.